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Studio M.R.M. Foundation: Scoperto nuovo asse genetico molecolare nel Glioblastoma multiforme.

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Progetto "Gliomas" - In Memoria di "Francesco Mazza" - Identificato nuovo asse genetico-molecolare nel Glioblastoma multiforme - .

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“Glioblastoma: geni ed inibitori del processo di mimetismo vascolare” Pilot Project.

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Supporto assistenziale per il popolo di Ventotene.

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Borsa di Studio "Francesco Mazza" .

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Global Experts meeting on Frontiers in Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia, October 14-16, Rome, Italy.

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3rd Innovations and State of the Art in Alzheimer’s & Dementia Research” on July 18 - 20, 2019, London, UK.

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Invited Speaker at Neurotalk 2019, Osaka, Japan.

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Keynote Speaker at Dementia care 2019, Rome.


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Invited Speaker at International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia July 08-10, 2019 Paris, France.

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Invited Speaker at 7th International conference on Neurology and Neuroscience Zurich, Switzerland April 8-9, 2019.

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Invited as Plenary Speaker at 11th International Conference on Vascular Dementia, Amsterdam 2019.

Invited as Plenary Speaker at 11th International Conference on Vascular Dementia, Amsterdam 2019

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12th Global Neurologists Meeting on Neurology and Neurosurgery, Singapore 2018.

12th Global Neurologists Meeting on Neurology and Neurosurgery, September 21-22, 2018-Singapore  

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Long-Term Non-Invasive Treatment via Intranasal Administration of Nerve Growth Factor Protects the Human Brain in Frontotemporal Dementia associated with Corticobasal Syndrome: A Pilot Study.

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Neuroscience 2016, 46th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA.

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55th Annual Scientific Meeting ISCoS, 14-16 September 2016, Vienna, Austria.

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Medication for ANDREF, Nairobi, Kenya.

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The First International Rita Levi-Montalcini Scientific Meeting; Nerve Growth Factor: Neuroscience and Therapy; April 22-23, 2016, Bologna, Italy .

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American Spinal Injury Association; April 13-16, 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting.

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Award Remembering Rita Levi Montalcini Brescia, Dicembre 2015.

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Intranasal nerve growth factor bypasses the blood-brain barrier and affects spinal cord neurons in spinal cord injury..

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IX International Symposium on Experimental and Clinical Spinal Cord repair and Regeneration.

Brescia 3-5 December 2015  

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Lesioni midollari e traumi cranici.

Convegno tenutosi a Firenze a maggio 2014 sul tema Lesioni midollari e traumi cranici

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ANDREF at Neurosymposium, Capri Apr 15, 2014

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Effect of intranasal Nerve Growth Factor administration in rats with spinal cord injury .

Effect of intranasal Nerve Growth Factor administration in rats with spinal cord injury  

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Medart & Zampino Cantine .

Un Ottimo Vino dal Cuore Grande. Le Cantine Zampino e la MRM Foundation Vi aspettano fino al 22 dicembre in Via Riviera di Chiaia 88, dalle 17 alle

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Premio Ricerca Soci SINch 2012 .

61° Congresso Nazionale Rimini, 11-14 Ottobre 2012 PREMIO RICERCA SOCI SINch D ottor Alberto de Bellis Con il lavo

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Nerve Growth Factor .

20 Gennaio 2012-Napoli; Nerve Growth Factor: Dalla Ricerca di Base alla Ricerca applicata-   Luigi Aloe conduce da circa 40 anni s

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Bollettino Scienze Neurologiche Ospedaliere .

Bollettino SNO - Società Italiana dei Neurologi, Neurochirurghi e Neuroradiologi Ospe

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In Caduta Libera .

Mostra fotografica di beneficenza "In Caduta Libera", 22 Febbraio 2011

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